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Ecommerce Content Marketing: 10 Strategies to Drive Sales

Ecommerce Content Marketing

You know that content is king in the online world, but are you really making the most of your content to drive ecommerce sales? As an ecommerce business owner, you need to be strategic about how you create and distribute content to reach your target customers. Simply posting product photos and descriptions won’t cut it anymore. You need to provide value and build real connections.

The good news is that with some smart content marketing tactics tailored for ecommerce, you can significantly boost traffic, engage your audience, and ultimately drive more sales. Whether you’re just getting started with content marketing or want to take your existing strategy to the next level, these 10 proven ecommerce content marketing strategies will help you optimize your content and reach your revenue goals. It’s time to stop seeing your ecommerce content as an afterthought and start seeing it as a key driver of your success. With the right approach, your content can become your most powerful sales tool.

What Is Ecommerce Content Marketing?

Ecommerce content marketing uses strategic content creation to drive sales on your online store. It helps build brand awareness, engages your customers, and converts visitors into paying customers.

What Types of Content Should You Create?

You’ll want to develop a content strategy that incorporates several types of content. Blog posts, videos, images, and social media posts are all great options. Focus on content that educates and entertains your customers. For example, create:

  • Tutorials and how-to guides to help customers use your products.
  • Videos demonstrating how your products work or styling tips.
  • Infographics with interesting facts and statistics related to your industry.
  • Behind-the-scenes photos and stories to give customers a glimpse into your brand’s personality.

Optimize Your Content

Once you’ve created awesome content, make sure people can find it! Use relevant keywords and optimize your content for search engines. Promote your content on social media platforms where your customers spend time. Email your mailing list with links to your latest content.

Ecommerce content marketing does require work, but the rewards of increased traffic, higher conversion rates, and boosted sales make the effort worthwhile. Focus on high-quality, helpful content and getting it in front of the right people. With a smart content marketing strategy, you’ll be well on your way to success.

Develop Buyer Personas to Target Content

To create content that speaks to your customers, you need to know who they are and what they want. Developing buyer personas will help you identify your target audiences and tailor content to their needs.

A buyer persona is a fictional representation of your ideal customer based on market research and data analysis. Start by conducting customer surveys and analyzing information about your existing customers like demographics, behaviors, motivations, and pain points. Look for patterns to determine 2-3 distinct groups.

###Give each persona a name and backstory

Flesh them out with details like age, job title, location, hobbies, and goals. The more you understand your personas, the better you can create content that resonates with them.

Once you have your buyer personas defined, you can:

  • Focus your content on their key interests and challenges. For example, for “Alex” the eco-conscious millennial, blog about sustainable products and green living tips.
  • Choose the right content format and platform for each persona. “Jen” the busy marketing manager may prefer short, scannable content on LinkedIn, while “Mark” the hands-on DIYer would prefer video tutorials on YouTube.

-Personalize content with a friendly, relatable tone. For “Sofia” the health-conscious new mom, take an empathetic and supportive approach in your emails and social media posts.

-Highlight how your products or services meet each persona’s needs. Match content to the stages of their customer journey to move them closer to a purchase.

Defining your buyer personas provides focus and helps ensure you’re creating content that will resonate with your target customers. Keep personas up to date as you gain more insights into your audience, and use them to guide all your marketing efforts. Your content and sales will thrive as a result!

Optimize Website Content for SEO

To rank well in search engines like Google, your ecommerce website needs optimized content. Focus on these areas:

Page titles and meta descriptions

The page title and meta description are displayed in search results, so make them compelling. Keep titles under 60 characters and descriptions under 160. Include your target keywords and phrases to help searchers find you. For example, a title could be “Affordable Hiking Boots for Men | Adventure Outfitters” and the description “High-quality hiking boots for men at low prices. Free shipping and returns.”

Header tags

Use header tags like and to highlight important text on your page. Your tag should contain your target keyword or keyphrase. For example, Hiking Boots for Men . Then use tags for section headings on the page. Header tags help search engines understand your page structure and content.

Image alt text

Optimize your image alt text, which is the text that appears if an image can’t load or is read by a screen reader. Include your target keyword or keyphrase in the alt text when possible. For example, alt=”Hiking boots for men” or alt=”Waterproof hiking boots.” This helps search engines understand what your images are about.

Internal links

Link to other relevant content on your site. Use anchor text that contains target keywords and phrases. For example, link to a men’s hiking pants page with the anchor text “hiking pants for men.” Internal links pass authority from one page to another and create connections between your content.

URL structure

Include your target keywords in your page URLs whenever you can. For example, instead of Keywords in URLs tell search engines what the page content is about.


Of course, your actual page content also needs to be optimized. Focus on your target keywords and keyphrases, using them in headings, paragraphs, lists, and page copy when it sounds natural. Aim for a minimum of 300 words to provide search engines with enough content to index and rank.

Optimizing your ecommerce website for SEO leads to more organic traffic, higher rankings, and increased sales. Follow these strategies to create content that will resonate with searchers and keep them engaged on your site.

Produce Engaging Product Descriptions

Product descriptions are your opportunity to showcase what makes each item in your store special. Use engaging language and vivid details to help customers visualize your products and get excited about purchasing them.

Focus on the key features and benefits. Bulleted lists are an easy way to highlight specs, materials, sizes, and other attributes. For example:

  • Made of 100% organic cotton
  • Adjustable straps for maximum comfort
  • Six generous pockets to keep essentials organized

Bring the product to life. Help the customer imagine using or experiencing your product. For example, instead of just listing “ergonomic design,” describe how “the contoured shape provides lumbar support so you can sit comfortably for hours.”

###Use sensory descriptions and emotive language

Appeal to the senses to help the customer connect with your product. Discuss how something feels, smells, sounds, tastes, or looks. For example, “the buttery soft leather,” “the refreshing mint scent,” or “stylish metallic finish.” Emotive words like luxurious, refreshing, or stunning can also create a feeling. But don’t overdo it—use emotive language sparingly for the most impact.

Include high-quality images. Product photos, especially close-up images, are essential for giving customers a sense of your items. Make sure photos are well-lit, in focus, and show the product clearly from different angles. Include a photo that shows scale or the product on a model. ###

Keep product descriptions up to date. Double check that all details like sizes, colors, materials, and features are still correct. Remove any references to promotions or sales that have ended. Update photos if the product design or packaging has changed. This helps set the right customer expectations and avoids confusion or disappointment.

With compelling product descriptions, you can turn casual browsers into excited buyers. Help customers fall in love with your products by focusing on key features and benefits, using sensory language to bring the item to life, including high-quality photos, and keeping all details up to date. Product descriptions are a key part of your content marketing strategy and can have a big impact on your ecommerce success.

Create How-to Tutorials and Videos

Creating tutorial content in the form of how-to guides and videos is a great way to position your ecommerce business as an authority in your industry. Customers want to feel empowered to make the best buying decisions, and educational content helps them do just that.

Video Tutorials

Shooting short videos demonstrating how to use your products is an effective way to boost engagement and build trust with customers. Keep videos under 2 minutes and focus on one topic or task. Upload videos to your website as well as YouTube, Facebook and Instagram. Don’t forget to include links to your product pages so viewers can easily purchase what they need to follow along.

Written Guides

Pair your videos with in-depth written guides on your blog. Break down complex topics into a series of posts, each focused on a subtopic or step in a larger process. Use headings, numbered lists, images, and screenshots to make information easy to navigate. For example, if you sell home decor, create a guide on “How to Decorate Your Living Room in a Tuscan Style” then have posts on choosing a color palette, arranging furniture, selecting accent pieces, etc.

FAQs and Troubleshooting

Round out your content with helpful FAQ pages and troubleshooting guides. These resources address common questions and issues customers face when using your products. For an ecommerce fashion company, have sections on sizing, returns, styling tips, and dealing with problem areas of the body. Be as thorough and thoughtful with your answers as possible.

Educational content, especially video, is highly shareable on social media. Promote your latest tutorials and guides on all your social platforms to increase traffic, build links, and boost search rankings. Over time, you’ll establish your brand as the go-to resource for your industry and products. Customers will come to you first whenever they have a question or need recommendations. That kind of authority and trust translates into sales and loyalty.

Share Customer Stories and Testimonials

Sharing authentic customer stories and testimonials on your ecommerce site and social media channels is a persuasive way to build trust in your brand and products.

Build Social Proof

Seeing what other real customers have to say about their experiences with your company and products gives site visitors social proof that you’re legit and that others have had positive experiences. This can reassure people and help convince them to buy.

Share on Your Website

Feature customer stories and testimonials prominently on your product pages and homepage. Keep them authentic by using real photos of customers and their actual words about how your product or service benefited them. You might say something like:

“Here’s what Jen from Chicago said about our signature skincare set:

‘I’ve tried so many expensive skin care products over the years and never found anything that delivered real results. After using this set for just two weeks, my skin has never looked better. My dark spots are fading, fine lines are less noticeable and my skin tone looks brighter and more even. I’m so happy I discovered this, it’s really a game changer!’ – Jen, Chicago”

Post on Social Media

Share snippets of customer stories and testimonials on your social media channels like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. These kinds of social posts featuring real people and their experiences tend to get high engagement. Your followers will appreciate the authenticity.

Video Testimonials for Maximum Impact

If possible, get customers to provide video testimonials you can post on your website and social media. Hearing directly from a real customer on camera is incredibly compelling. Ask happy customers if they’d be willing to speak honestly on camera for just 30-60 seconds about their experience. Offer an incentive like a discount on their next purchase as a thank you.

Collect More Stories

Make it easy for happy customers to submit their stories and reviews. Send a follow up email after they purchase asking for feedback and their permission to share their comments on your site. Provide an easy form on your website where people can upload their stories, photos and videos. The more stories you collect and share, the more powerful the social proof will become.

Sharing authentic customer stories and testimonials is a key content marketing strategy that can build trust, boost conversions and really help your business stand out. Collecting and prominently featuring these stories across your digital platforms is worth the effort.

Send Educational Email Newsletters

Sending educational email newsletters is a great way to stay in touch with your customers and provide value. As an ecommerce business, you have a wealth of knowledge about your products, industry, and customers that you can share to build trust and loyalty.

Share helpful tips and advice

Your customers look to you as an expert in your field. Provide useful tips, recommendations and advice related to your products or industry. For example, if you sell camping gear, share tips for planning a successful camping trip. If you have a clothing store, recommend outfit ideas or ways to organize a closet.

Promote new or seasonal products

Use your newsletter to highlight new arrivals or products perfect for the current season. Give an overview of the products and specify what makes them special or high quality. You can even offer a discount or coupon code to incentive people to check them out.

Educate about your brand and business

Give your readers a behind-the-scenes look at your business. Share your company’s story, mission and values. Highlight things like your manufacturing or design process, sourcing of materials, or commitment to sustainability and social impact. Helping people get to know the faces and values behind your brand will build a personal connection and loyalty.

Include interesting content

Don’t just push products in every email. Provide other interesting content like trend reports, infographics with key data or statistics, profiles of inspiring individuals in your industry, or roundups of helpful resources. A mix of product highlights and more in-depth content will keep people engaged.

Make it scannable but compelling

With so much information bombarding people’s inboxes, keep your newsletters scannable by using short paragraphs, bullet points, images, and bold text. But also include an compelling subject line and opening to draw people in, and end with a clear call-to-action so they know how to proceed or what to do next. Keep it concise but impactful.

Following these tips will help you craft email newsletters that provide real value to your customers. Staying in touch in a meaningful way can help turn casual shoppers into lifelong brand advocates and build a community around your business.

Host Webinars to Establish Thought Leadership

8. Host Webinars to Establish Thought Leadership

Webinars are a great way to position yourself as an industry expert and build authority with your audience. As an ecommerce business, hosting a webinar on a topic related to your industry or products is an opportunity to share your knowledge, connect with your customers, and generate leads.

Promote your webinar well in advance across your marketing channels – email, social media, blog, etc. This will increase the chances of higher attendance and greater engagement. Keep the content helpful and actionable, not a sales pitch. Focus on educating your attendees and providing value.

Some webinar topic ideas include:

  • The Top 5 eCommerce Trends You Need to Know
  • How to Optimize Your Online Store for More Sales
  • Product Photography Hacks: How to Make Your Products Pop Online

As a host, be authentic and personable. Share your insights and experience, give examples, tell stories, ask questions, and engage with your audience. Most importantly, provide actionable takeaways and resources for your attendees.

You can also bring in an expert guest or do an interview-style webinar. This adds variety and brings in a new perspective. Just be sure to choose someone who aligns with your brand and target audience.

Webinars are a lead generation goldmine. Promote an email sign-up on your landing page and during the webinar. You can then continue to nurture those leads with your email marketing campaigns. You may also gain product or service customers from hosting a webinar.

With a well-crafted webinar delivered with confidence and expertise, you establish your brand as a leader in the industry. Your attendees walk away with valuable insights and a positive impression of your company. And you gain a list of warm leads to continue engaging with your content and offers. Overall, webinars are a win-win content strategy for any ecommerce business.

Ecommerce Content Marketing FAQs

Ecommerce content marketing has a lot of moving parts, so questions are bound to come up. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about ecommerce content marketing and how to address them:

What types of content should I focus on?

The content types that typically work best for ecommerce businesses are:

  • Product descriptions: Detailed descriptions of each product help shoppers make informed decisions. Include images, benefits, specs, and options.
  • Blog posts: Posts discussing your products, industry trends, tips, and more. Aim for 2-3 short posts per week.
  • Case studies: Real customer success stories showing how your products solved problems. These build trust and credibility.
  • Tutorials: Step-by-step guides for getting the most out of your products. Useful for new customers.
  • Email newsletters: Regular emails to engage your customers and promote new products or sales.

How often should I publish new content?

For most ecommerce stores, aiming for 2-3 blog posts per week, one case study per month, and 2-4 emails per month is a good starting point. As you build your content library, you can adjust from there based on what resonates most with your customers. The key is to establish a consistent publishing schedule and stick to it.

Should I focus on search engine optimization (SEO)?

Absolutely. SEO helps people find your content and products, so it should be a priority for any ecommerce business. When creating content, do keyword research to determine what terms your target audience is searching for. Then, optimize your content by including those keywords in your page titles, URLs, image alt text, and naturally throughout your content.

How do I promote my content?

Promoting your content is key to getting the results you want. Some of the best ways to promote ecommerce content include:

  • Email marketing: Send email newsletters and promotions to your list of customers and subscribers.
  • Social media: Share all of your new content on social platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest. Engage with your followers.
  • Influencer marketing: Identify influencers in your industry and collaborate with them to promote your products and content to their audiences.
  • Paid advertising: Use platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ads to boost your content and drive more traffic to your store.
  • Affiliate partnerships: Recruit affiliates and influencers to promote your products and content in exchange for a commission.

With a strategic approach, ecommerce content marketing and promotion can significantly impact your business. Be consistent, provide value, and optimize for search and you’ll be well on your way to success.


So there you have it, 10 proven content marketing strategies tailored for the ecommerce space. The key is to focus on creating helpful, valuable content that speaks to your target customers and ultimately drives them to your site. Remember, content is king and quality over quantity. Pick a few of these strategies to start, implement them well, learn what works, and build from there. Don’t get overwhelmed trying to do it all at once. With time and consistency, an effective content marketing plan can be one of the most powerful tools in your ecommerce arsenal to boost traffic, build your brand, and increase sales. Now get out there, start creating great content, spread your message, and watch as your business grows. You’ve got this!


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