Create a Strong Digital Foundation and Rank High on Search Results

Create a Strong Digital Foundation and Rank High on Search Results

Technical SEO Services
Create a Strong Digital Foundation and Rank High on Search Results

With each passing second of delay in the loading time of your page, there is a corresponding increase in your bounce rate, resulting in the loss of valuable leads. Enhance the performance of your website and attract high-quality leads and traffic by utilizing the technical search engine optimization (SEO) services offered by Nexorank Internet Marketing Agency.

What is Technical SEO and Why is it Important?

Technical SEO involves ensuring your website aligns with search engine guidelines, allowing seamless crawling and indexing. The primary objective of a technical SEO audit is to evaluate your current SEO status and identify areas that require improvement for an optimal online experience.

As user preferences have evolved and search engines have grown more sophisticated, with approximately 3.5 billion smartphone users globally, Google has responded by introducing algorithm updates that prioritize site speed and mobile experience for page ranking.

In the current landscape, Google may penalize websites with subpar structures, slow loading times, and problematic redirects. Failure to address these technical SEO issues can lead to a significant drop in search rankings and organic traffic. Considering that the top organic search results attract nearly 35 percent of clicks, a decline in ranking could have adverse effects on your business.

Technical SEO Services

Technical SEO: Your First Step in Creating a Better Search Experience

Technical SEO Services

At the heart of algorithmic changes lies a singular goal: providing the best possible user experience. To achieve this, it’s crucial to have a thorough understanding of what technical SEO entails and how you can utilize an SEO technical audit to ensure your website aligns with search engine guidelines and industry standards.

Technical on-page SEO encompasses various elements, including site speed, Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP), robots exclusion standard (robots.txt), XML sitemap status, and content quality. These components play a critical role in determining your website’s online performance. Google highlights that a 10-second page load speed can lead to a 123 percent increase in bounce rate. Furthermore, just a one-second delay in mobile page loading time can result in a 20 percent drop in conversion rate, an 11 percent decline in page views, and a 16 percent decrease in customer satisfaction.

Waiting until technical SEO issues have adverse effects on your site’s SEO is not advisable. Invest in technical SEO for eCommerce, WordPress, and other content management systems (CMS) promptly to save both time and money. Schedule a call with our technical SEO consultants to learn more about technical SEO for WordPress and its significance to your business.

Technical SEO Services for Local Businesses

Improve Your Search Rankings Without Adding Any New Content

In this fiercely competitive digital landscape, staying abreast of the latest technical on-page SEO tactics and algorithm updates is imperative for enhancing your website’s profitability. Understanding the nuances of technical SEO and its requirements empowers you to structure your web pages effectively for both online users and search engine spiders.

Technical SEO encompasses a range of processes, including:

  1. Running a crawl error report
  2. Eliminating duplicate content
  3. Auditing the preferred domain
  4. Improving metadata
  5. Checking HTTPS status codes
  6. Verifying broken links
  7. Creating an XML sitemap
  8. Implementing Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
  9. Enhancing site speed
  10. Utilizing robots.txt
  11. Optimizing the website for mobile
  12. Auditing redirects
  13. Performing a Google site search And more.

We understand that navigating the intricate requirements and processes of technical optimization SEO while managing your core business operations can be time-consuming and resource-intensive. That’s why our team of technical SEO consultants is here to assist you.

If your website’s technical on-page SEO functionality is impeding your organic search performance, let our technical SEO company handle the heavy lifting for you. Entrust your SEO technical audit and optimization to Thrive and unlock your growth potential.

Technical SEO Services

Create Actionable SEO Strategies for A Winning Online Campaign


We conduct a thorough SEO technical audit to pinpoint and address any technical SEO issues your website may have. This comprehensive audit includes critical assessments of mobile performance, internal link structure, page speed, XML sitemap, indexation, crawl errors, robots.txt, and site architecture. Analyzing the insights gleaned from analytics, we formulate both short- and long-term solutions to enhance your visitors’ website experience and elevate your Google rankings.


Gain a comprehensive understanding of your competitors’ optimization tactics and identify potential conversion opportunities. Our technical SEO consultant assesses your competition’s keyword performance, search engine rankings, social media presence, and technical and backlink profile. Through these evaluations, we develop strategies that will afford you a distinct advantage in your specific niche market.


Enhance your online visibility and attract more traffic by utilizing meta tags that accurately depict your page content to both web visitors and search engines. Thrive specializes in technical SEO for WordPress, encompassing the analysis and optimization of your meta descriptions, title tags, meta keywords, alt attributes, and robots tags. This approach guarantees that no improperly used metadata negatively impacts your SEO performance.



Large images can impede your site’s performance and deter page visitors. Accelerate your site’s load time and draw in more customers with technical SEO for eCommerce. Our specialists select the appropriate file format, optimize your alt attributes, diminish the file size of your images, employ image sitemaps, and make the most of image optimization plugins.



Page speed has a direct impact on your ranking and, crucially, on your customers’ online experience. Our technical SEO specialists facilitate file compression to shrink the size of your CSS, JavaScript, and HTML files. Additionally, we optimize your code, minimize redirects, make use of browser caching, employ content distribution networks (CDNs), and enhance server response time.



Facilitate the crawling, interpretation, and display of your content for search engines by incorporating schema markup. We emphasize your page elements, assign data tags, generate the HTML, and integrate schema markup into your page. Our team employs Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool to examine your markup and identify any issues.



Keyword research serves as the blueprint for your digital marketing strategy. Gain valuable insights into current industry trends and consumer behavior, ensuring the judicious use of keywords across your website. Our SEO specialists delve into your niche, conducting technical SEO audits to assess your keyword rankings and optimizing your web pages with high-performing search terms.

Link Building


Enhance your comprehension of your website’s online authority and search ranking potential through technical SEO for eCommerce and other platforms. Our team conducts backlink analyses to secure incoming links from reputable and high-authority websites. Leveraging diverse backlink data sources, we identify your referring domains, assess their site authority, and gauge the social share impact of the linking pages.

3. Industry Experience


Google penalties may result from algorithm changes or black-hat technical SEO practices for WordPress. To assist you in recovering from a penalty, our SEO experts employ Google Search Console to pinpoint the type of penalty affecting your website. We assess your backlink strategies and address discrepancies in original web pages and content crawled by Google. Additionally, we meticulously inspect all your redirects to ensure their proper functionality.



Website migration is a meticulous process. Establish a comprehensive migration plan to prevent the loss of valuable traffic. Our team conducts SEO-friendly website migration, encompassing benchmarking analytics performance, mapping all modified URLs from the old site to the new domain, updating internal links, removing duplicate content, managing 404 pages, and monitoring traffic and rankings.

A Technical SEO Company that Gets Results

Boost Your Website Performance and Generate More Organic Traffic

Technical SEO for WordPress and other CMS platforms is crucial for online success. With a well-devised technical optimization SEO strategy, you can identify website issues, promptly address them, and ensure the proper functioning of all SEO elements.

Take advantage of our SEO services to foster profitable long-term growth. Here’s what you can anticipate when you collaborate with our technical SEO company:

4. Local Search Optimization Processes

In-depth Website Audits

The performance of your website is a culmination of various variables operating harmoniously. At Thrive, we conduct exhaustive site audits covering your technical SEO, paid campaigns, conversion rate optimization (CRO), backlink profile, analytics, and competition. This approach ensures that our business decisions are grounded in data and research.

Technical SEO Specialists

Technical SEO Specialists

Nexorank Internet Marketing Agency stands as an award-winning technical SEO company in the United States. Our team comprises Google-certified SEO specialists who guide your project from assessment to completion. We discern, strategize, and implement data-driven technical SEO recommendations, keeping abreast of industry trends to ensure our services yield impactful results.

Local SEO Guide

Full-Service SEO Solutions

Ensure the future resilience of your website and enhance close rates with SEO solutions customized to your brand. We offer technical SEO services for eCommerce, Shopify, franchises, Amazon, and local businesses. Our team eliminates elements that hinder your website performance, optimizes your page content, and humanizes your brand to resonate with both search engines and online users.

Google Analytics Reports

Analytics and Reporting

Monitor the performance of your SEO campaign and stay informed about all your online endeavors. Our team utilizes analytics to collect actionable insights and achieve your desired outcomes. We also offer frequent consultations, email updates, and monthly reports to keep you informed about your marketing strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities.

Goal-Oriented Web Strategies

Goal-Oriented Web Strategies

In our initial consultation, we assess and analyze your current campaign status, marketing objectives, and expectations. This ensures that all our technical SEO tactics are aligned with your goals. Additionally, our team utilizes various distribution methods to enhance leads and traffic to your site.

Proven Track Record

Proven Track Record

Our technical SEO company has collaborated with numerous companies across the U.S. to enhance their digital presence. Through extensive SEO technical audits and the implementation of results-driven SEO strategies, we have successfully identified and addressed multiple recurring site issues. Learn more about the caliber of our technical SEO services directly from our clients.

Choose Thrive and Improve Your Technical SEO

Achieve Top Search Engine Rankings with Our Robust Technical SEO Strategy

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